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Thursday, Apr. 21, 2005 - 1:57 p.m.

Yet more good times, news etc.... Ok, where do I start? The weekend was awesome weather and I went to sit by the lake with my sisters. It was effin' amazing! Friday night me and Dubya went to the Hideout and ran into the "Dirty Found Magazine" release party! It was pretty cool and I now have a new fave beer: bottled Bass! The show was cool and I just love the Hideout period. Saturday I spent the day cleaning the new beautiful apartment while Dubya worked. I played Ramon Ayala really LOUD. Sunday was family time and our little trip to the lakefront. So...we finally decided we want to get the 20inch iMac computer. Yikes, mucho $$$ but we deserve it and I know it will be worth it and we will be so inlove with it! Late June we are headed on a road trip to Durango, Mexico. I can't wait! Its going to be a long ride but I don't care I just need to get out of the city!!! Last night the family and I attended the Public Allies Town Hall Meeting about the mural project thats going to be happening in the neighborhood. I am really excited because they will be teaching us how to use spray paint! Have always wanted to learn and know my art style corresponds with this medium. Can't wait! Plus my lil' bro and lil' sis are going to be in on it too. I met other art peoples and youth from the neighborhood. I ran into a zine by a group of bgirls called FlyGirlz. All very positive influences and an inspiration. Well, time to go back to work....laters....



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